Raymond Ng, PhD

Scientific Advisor (health informatics, data science, machine learning)

Dr. Ng is Professor in the Department of Computer Science at UBC, inaugural Director of the UBC Data Sciences Institute, Chief Informatics Officer of the Centre of Excellence for the Prevention of Organ Failure (PROOF Centre), and Canada Research Chair Tier 1 in Data Sciences and Analytics. He is internationally renowned for his data mining studies. His research program focuses on data mining, which can be broadly viewed as large scale data analysis. He has published over 200 journal and conference papers covering a broad range of topics in informatics, data mining and databases. He has won Best Paper awards from the ACM SIGKDD conference on data mining and the ACM SIGMOD conference on database management. Dr. Ng has served as one of the editors of two top database journals worldwide – the VLDB Journal and the IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering and was the general chair of ACM SIGMOD 2008 and the program chair of IEEE ICDE 2009. He earned his BSc from UBC, MSc from the University of Waterloo, PhD from the University of Maryland, College Park.